There's vomit! There's piss! There's drool! There are ginormous, watermelon-sized plastic breasts, capped with kiwi-sized nippilonis! How can you not love director Tom Quaintance's phenomenally daffy production of Dario Fo's deliciously amoral farce? This is a charming production that takes goofy surreal gaggery to such bad taste, tacky extremes, it's impossible to be grossed out or offended – you'd have to be a churl, like so many of the delicious farce's characters. Set in 16th Century Italy, the play concerns an uptight, morally rigid Judge (Michael Winters), who is so repressed he downs laxatives so that if he feels sexual desire, it will be utterly offset by the need to explosively defecate. A pair of demons plot to possess the Judge and force him to commit sins that will sentence him to hell. To do this, apprentice demon Barlocco (Sparber) is to burrow into the anus of the Judge and take over his body. Unfortunately, something goes wrong, and the demon actually enters the body of the Judge's brittle crone of a housekeeper Pizzocca (Katherine Griffith), turning her from a zaftige battleaxe into a horny slut with eyes for His Honor's honor. Complications ensue when a corrupt Cardinal (Weston Blakesley) arrives in town, with sleazy plans of his own. Fo presents farce with a sharp political edge – and between the scenes of randy abandon and devilish glee, there are vulpine jabs at the church, the law, and human greed. Along with this, Quaintance presents a show that is visually perfect: Christina Wright's gorgeous Italian comedia buffo costumes are amazing, and the piece is anchored by Alex Wright's beautiful music and background songs. As for the piece's comic timing, it's perfect. A scene involving the Cardinal, a huge bucket of horse feces, and a bottle of freshly decanted demon piss is a study in simultaneous horror and hilarity. As the much put upon Judge, Winters is a fantastic straight man, but the show truly belongs to Griffith's toweringly comic turn as the haplessly possessed housekeeper. On a dime, she manages to shift from mean rat bag to brutish demon to lustful she devil, offering a performance that is versatile, yet impeccably nuanced.
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